Hospitality / Hotels

Hotel EV Charging Solutions — Give your visitors another great amenity

Each year, more and more drivers switch to electric vehicles, so EV charging stations are in high demand. The fact that hotels and accommodations offer electric vehicle charging is not only an excellent way to support sustainability, but it’s also a great guest amenity. Ten percent of all cars sold in 2025 will be electric, which means drivers need parking options that accommodate electric vehicles. A smart EV charging station installed by the hospitality industry can help address the issue of insufficient EV charging infrastructure.  Having electric-vehicle charging stations at your hotel or lodge will give your guests an added experience that will help attract EV drivers and make them your loyal customers.



1. Initial Meeting

Potential participant contacts ChargeSmart EV to begin the process, and reviews program information.

2. Site Planning & Design

A certified electrician conducts a site visit to determine the scope of work. Program participant works with ChargeSmart EV and local utility, on proposed charger selection and site design.

3. Applications

ChargeSmart EV submits initial application to the local utility, to review incentive eligibility and site information, assessing costs and feasibility.

4. Implementation

ChargeSmart EV and the local utility will work together to install the “Make-Ready” infrastructure at your location.

5. Activation

Chargers are installed and activated. Program participant will provide necessary closeout documentation. The local utility will then issue payment, in accordance with the program timeline.

Why ChargeSmart EV?

  • Leading Charging Station Supplier
  • Level 2 / Fast (DCFC) EV Charging Stations Available
  • Assist with Claiming Potential Incentives
  • Industry Expertise
  • Certified Electricians

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